Where are the products Produced?

They are produced in Ireland near Galway and shipped direct to the U.K. Delivery is usually 3-5 working days after the order is placed.

Can I purchase the products from you ?

Yes please go to and you can order retail by using my ID 595016. Payment is made by credit card

Can you summarise the patches as it can be confusing !

X39 Stem cell patch- For stem cell activatation to a younger state Anti aging/youth renewal.
Y Age Aeon - For anti aging, stress relief and inflammation.
Y Age Glutathione - For Healthier Detoxification and Anti aging.
Y Age Carnsoine - For Skin repair, stamina, strength and Anti Aging.
Energy Enhancer - For more steady, focused energy.
Icewave - For immediate pain relief.

Dr Norman Shealy a leading famous Pain specialist and Holistic Medically qualified Doctor has done work with Lifewave ?

Yes there is a reference to the Silent Nights on his website. Also on go to research and you will find clinical work done by Dr Shealy on Silent Night

FAQ. 7 days with Alavida

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